Boreal Consultoras is committed to offering you the best service.
Our services

Public Affairs and Strategic Relations
The management of public affairs and the relations between the Executive and the Legislative, require
of knowledge on the dynamics of the institutionality, the procedures and the channels of
interaction between the parties. Current strategies require an approach based on collaboration with the client, providing timely and reliable information for decision making.
In a society that demands greater transparency, efficiency and effectiveness on the part of the public administration, as well as companies that seek to raise their levels of "Compliance", it becomes essential to manage public affairs based on ethical principles and that resorts to expert knowledge. to meet its objectives within the framework of the country's regulations.
Our accompaniment focuses on the following services:
Prospective intelligence on decision-making processes at the legislative and governmental.
Analysis of the environment and the situation as a key tool to guide the strategy and the Advocacy actions have an impact on the sector or directly on the client.
Stakeholder management to generate and strengthen alliances, improve understanding of the problem or situation, as well as to address potential risks and achieve an impact favorable to the objectives set.
Develop advocacy and visibility strategies to achieve positioning and adequatecustomer disclosure.
Proactive representation of client interests for a strategic relationship.

Public Private Partnerships
Public-private partnerships represent an opportunity for countries insofar as they allow
that the capacities of the companies converge with the objectives of the State to satisfy
public expectations. There are both public-private partnerships for development (APPD's) in
where companies can contribute to the achievement of development objectives
sustainable, such as those that are built in terms of partnerships to develop
infrastructure or provide strategic services.
Considering that the countries have important challenges for the realization, sustainability and
strengthening of PPPs is not only essential to know the conditions,
the terms, regulations and institutional dynamics that must be faced, but rather
a constant, timely and due follow-up is required to achieve the objective of the clients.
Among our services are:
Leave the bullets that are already there and add.
EITHERObserve potential reputational risks to avoid client and customer exposure the institutions.

Corporate Crisis Management
In a national and international environment where distrust of public administrations is expanding despite the high levels of surveillance and control, both legal and political, companies are called upon to achieve higher levels of regulatory compliance, ensuring responsible business conduct and robust ethical performance. Timely containment of reputational risks goes beyond timely management of communication and requires expedited, articulated, technically and politically balanced treatment to avoid a rising situation that exposes the client to judicialization of the case, media coverage or politicization of the situation you are facing. Both judicialization and politicization can bring long-term and highly important effects; to the point of being able to restrict access to markets, prohibition to participate in public purchasing, penalize the handling of the problem, among others. In particular, politicization brings damage to the media, to the trust towards the parties involved, and even to their ability to maintain the business.
The following services are offered:
Identification of reputational and/or political risks due to links with the public administration.
Care strategy to avoid the impacts of the crisis.
Mapping and management of stakeholders to specify support and manage threats
Integration of multidisciplinary teams (legal, fiscal, economic and communication) for comprehensive care of the crisis.

Public Policy Consulting
Knowledge of internal processes, access to high performance teams and with
training in public policies, allows us to offer services in this niche, especially for
international organizations, regional entities, governments in Latin America and companies.
Our portfolio of services contemplates three fundamental axes, all of which are oriented
to support the efforts of our clients, whether they are public, private or not
government, to improve the living conditions of the population, as well as the
economic and social indicators of the countries.
They include:
Consulting services in Public Policy.
The construction of project financing models.
The management of interested parties or stakeholders.
Accompaniment in all phases of public policies ranging from the prospective and identification of problems of public interest, as well as the formulation and development of logical frameworks for the definition and implementation of public policies and evaluation of these, in addition to the identification of good practices at the international.

Consulting in Business Policies and Processes
Given the importance of quality management and conformity assessment in private organizations, our company offers services for the adaptation of policies and procedures to implement improvement processes within companies.
Our advice covers:
The identification of the value chain with its respective strategic and operational processes.
Preparation and documentation of processes,
The implementation of the continuous improvement cycle
Linkage and contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Strategic information that helps them make decisions
Boreal Consultoras facilitates corporate relations with public sector institutions and different interest groups. We can support you in making public-private partnerships for development, or in identifying opportunities for responsible investment in sustainable growth. As well as facilitating companies to achieve their strategic objectives in a medium-term horizon.
The thematic areas in which we develop are:
• Climate change.
• Decarbonization.
• Energy.
• Just transition.
• Sustainable development (SDG).
• Value chains.
• Strengthening of small and medium-sized companies.
• Working market.
• Development of public debt markets.
• Financial management systems
• Construction of performance indicators.
• Development and implementation of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Indicators.
• Social inclusion (gender, LGBTIQ+ population, disability).
• Socio-economic integration.
• Labor migrations.
• Identification and management of interested parties.
• Social dialogue and negotiation.
• Crisis management.
• Reputational management.
• Advocacy and visibility strategies.
• Analysis of environment and situation.
• Sustainable food systems.
• Resilient agriculture.
• Family agriculture.
• Agricultural insurance.
• Fishing and Aquaculture.